靈氣用於美國加拿大整體治療醫院報告 (英)

Reiki in Integrative Medicine 靈氣用於整體治療的醫院、醫學中心及健康中心報告

This page provides an overview of some of the programmes providing or teaching Reiki in care centres and of some of the existing research. Please let us know of any health care centres that provide Reiki that we can provide links to.

●The Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for CAM Research http://www.incamresearch.ca/about/about.html is a collaborative research network, created to foster excellence in CAM research in Canada. Join them for research opportunities, a newsletter, and other resources.

●Boston Children's Hospital Center for Holistic Pediatric Education and Research provides consultation, services, and research. See also their Pediatric Integrative Medicine Project .

●Hartford CT's Hartford Hospital http://www.harthosp.org/integrativemed/default.aspx has an Integrative Medicine Programme, which just won an award. In January through June of 2002 approximately 1,480 Reiki sessions were provided at Hartford Hospital, and they have records of the improvements.

●New Hampshire's Center for Integrative Medicine http://integrativemedicinedc.com/p320.html

●Reiki is used to treat acute and chronic pain at the Pain Management Center at Elliot Hospital in NH http://www.elliothospital.org/services/pain.html

●The California Pacific Medical Centre's Institute for Health and Healing http://www.cpmc.org/

●Ottawa's Sandy Hill Community Health Centre http://www.sandyhillchc.on.ca/

●Ottawa's Pink Triangle services provide Counselling and therapy for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community http://www.pinktriangle.org/pts_site/Eng/Wellness/counsel_priv.html

●Houston Texas' Child Trauma Academy http://www.childtrauma.org/ctamaterials/art_of_healing.asp

●Ottawa's Bruce House AIDS hospice http://www.brucehouse.org/

●AIDS-Committee of Ottawa http://www.aco-cso.ca/volunteer.htm

●The Marvelle Koffler Breast Centre recovery centre for breast cancer patients at Toronto's Mt. Sinai hospital http://www.mtsinai.on.ca/mkbc/programs_and_services/tableofplenty.htm

●Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Integrative Medicine Service offers many alternatives including Reiki treatments and training for their cancer patients. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/1987.cfm

●Portsmouth Regional Hospital's Pain Management centre http://www.portsmouthhospital.com/CustomPage.asp?PageName=Services%20-%20Pain%20Management

●Survivors of child sexual abuse may obtain treatment including Reiki and other similar methodologies at Tamara's House http://www.tamarashouse.sk.ca/ . Site includes study documentation.

●Reiki is available at the women's health centre at the University of Conneticut's Charlotte Johnson Hollelder Center http://health.uchc.edu/clinicalservices/womenspecialty/hollfelder.htm

●Wilcox Hospital in Hawaii provides Reiki among its offerings

●Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island's Cancer Centre provides Reiki to relieve the discomforts of chemotherapy

●The Zakim Centre for Integrative Therapies provides Reiki among other complementary therapies at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. They also provide Reiki at their Pain and Palliative care clinic http://www.dana-farber.org/pat/support/pain/default.html

●Columbia University's Integrative Therapies for Children with Cancer

●Yale/New-Haven Hospital offers Reiki, and Yale University's School of Nursing teaches Reiki http://nursing.yale.edu/News/Press/reiki.htm

Note that there are many centres, especially in the non-profit sector, where Reiki is provided on a voluntary basis, and no information is available on the WWW. From Nursing World Magazine http://www.nursingworld.org/ojin/topic15/tpc15_6.htm , as of 1991, " Forty-seven percent (25) of the BONs (Boards of Nursing) who permitted (Alternative Therapy practice by nurses) had statements or positions that included specific complementary therapies or examples of these practices; thirteen percent (7) were in the process of discussing the topic and, forty percent (21) had not formally addressed the topic, but did not necessarily discourage these practices." In many cases where the practices were identified, Reiki was specifically included in the list of identified therapies. Some states include the practices explicitly within the practice of nursing, and some exclude it.

In Reiki—Review of a Biofield Therapy: History, Theory, Practice, and Research, Pamela Miles and Gala True, PhD list some twenty-five hospitals and clinics in the United States that provide Reiki. Further, they observe that "The majority of these programs have not been subject to systematic evaluation due to budgetary and time constraints. However, staff, patients, and program administrators report a number of benefits including reduced anxiety and lower use of pain medications, increased patient satisfaction for surgical patients, and decreased numbers of self-reported common gerontological complaints such as anxiety, loneliness, insomnia, and pain among older individuals living in the community. Reiki can easily fit within the harm reduction model and can be successfully used in self-treatment in combination with appropriate medical/psychiatric care by people with combined HIV and psychiatric diagnoses for emotional centering, pain management, and support in recovery readiness."

★ Research, Articles, and Studies

Health Care Centres providing Reiki and teaching programmes in universities, colleges, and hospitals are now on our Existing Programmes Page http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/existing.htm .

The first group of papers is ours: these provide an overview of existing research in an area and describe how the documented effects of Reiki apply to the symptoms of a particular condition. Due to the fact that each note has to stand on its own merits, and there is a lot of overlap between conditions (e.g., material on pain management), there is necessarily some overlap between them.

●Reiki and Parenting looks at Reiki and its use through pregnancy, labour, and post-partum http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/parenting.htm

●Reiki and Breast Cancer http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/bcancer.htm

●Reiki for HIV/AIDS http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/aids.htm

●In Reiki for Palliative Care http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/palliative.htm , what Reiki can provide in a palliative care setting is compared to the characteristics of a desirable palliative care programme.

●Reiki and Pain looks at some of the programmes in place in chronic pain care settings, and some of the results of using Reiki to treat pain http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/pain.htm .

★ Research and Link Categories

●Reiki in General http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#general

●Journals & Databases http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#journals

●Physics/Biology Focus http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#physics

●Societies and Research Centres http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#societies

●Individual Studies, Papers, & Articles http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#Studies

●By Condition http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#condition

●Links, home pages, collections http://www.magma.ca/~peterz/links.htm#homes


**Reiki Links & Info Archive from Ontario Reiki Programme Centre

This information is no longer being maintained; this archive is provided as a service.

