
目前顯示的是 8月, 2007的文章


       古人讀書和誦經,為什麼都要出聲呢?出聲念有什麼好處呢?如果出聲念沒什麼意義,古人為什麼又要這樣做呢?   幾千年來,讀書、誦經,都是採用這種方式。如果按照佛教對六根的判斷,耳根、意根具備的功能,最多、最圓滿。《楞嚴經》中,佛祖對耳根圓通的判斷:「當知耳根圓滿一千二百種功德。」耳根下來,才是意根功德多一些。   平常形容一個人「耳聰目明」,頭腦反應很快。靠什麼來收集信息呢?主要就是靠眼根和耳根。平常說「眼觀六路,耳聽八方」,實際上應該講:「耳聽十方」才對。因為天上、人間乃至十方,耳根都可聽到。   一個人靜坐時,如果心很散亂,主要是白天所接觸的事物,都錄進頭腦中去了。「錄」,主要靠的是兩個器官的功能,即「眼根」和「耳根」。實際上眼根錄進的深度,遠不如耳根。現在你們在坐的每個人可以想一想:當別人對你表情惡劣,或者是出口罵你時,這兩種情況,你都會記在心中,但是哪一種會更深刻呢?是表情,還是傳出的話語?為什麼前者會覺得淡漠一些,而對一個人的語言記得會更深刻?因為我們都是欲界的眾生,也即是說欲界的眾生是以光和音為生命力。既然我們是以光音為主要的動力,那麼日常生活中,就容易被眼根和耳根所轉動。按照佛經中的描述,在沒有光之前,就只有一種聲音,所以最初錄進的是聲音的力量。一旦通過聲音錄進去,就很難再洗掉。通常眼根錄進的事物,貯存在第六識(即意識),很難進入第七識(末那識)。如果是通過耳根錄進的事物,是很容易進入第六識、第七識,乃至第八識(阿賴耶識)的。因此,為了記得快,記得牢,古人讀書、誦經,都是高聲從口誦出,再通過耳根錄進去,貯存在第七識、第八識裡面。一旦進入第八識,就很難忘記。   人很難看到聲音,而容易聽到聲音。只有達到四禪八定的境界後,才能看到。   通常,默讀只能降伏眼根和意根,如果高聲讀誦,不僅能降伏眼根、意根,而且還能降伏耳根。默誦的時候,周圍的聲音很容易進入耳根。而高聲讀誦,由於諸根並用,很容易形成環形:嘴念—耳聽—再進入意根。這是因為耳根具有吸收的功能。   大家都知道鼻根有吸收的功能,很遠的氣味就能夠嗅到。難道眼根、耳根就沒有吸收的功能嗎?如果說沒有,為什麼能看到遠處的景色,聽到遠處傳來的聲音?既然有,那麼古人讓高聲朗讀,是很有道理的。嘴說出來,耳根聽進去,進入意根。   同時「聲音」又有振動力。何謂「聲」、何謂「音」?比如寺廟裡的鐘聲,在敲下去的...


靈氣治療與科學 What Happens in a Treatment?  Independent research by Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. John Zimmerman during the 1980's investigated what happens whilst people practice therapies like Reiki. They found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronised in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation, but they pulse in unison with the earth's magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance. During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the practitioners' hands is at least 1000 times greater than normal, and not as a result of internal body current. Toni Bunnell (1997) suggests that the linking of energy fields between practitioner and earth allows the practitioner to dr.aw on the 'infinite energy source' or 'universal energy field' via the Schuman Resonance. Prof. Paul Davies and Dr. John Gribben in The Matter Myth (1991), discuss the quantum physics view of a 'living universe' in which ever...

靈氣處理急性及慢性疼痛 (英)

Reiki and Pain 靈氣處理急性及慢性疼痛 Millions of Canadians suffer from chronic pain. According to Chronic Pain Association of Canada,[i] over 18% of Canadians (some 5,400,000 people) suffer from severe chronic pain. Over 70% of cancer patients experience moderate to severe pain during their illness. At any given moment, half of all Canadians will experience some kind of pain. A majority of Canadians experience head pain at least monthly. This article looks at the use of Reiki for the management of chronic pain. How much pain can Reiki be used to help with? Jeri Mills, M.D., used Reiki for over 10 years in her OB/GYN practice and has documented her experiences in a book “Tapestry of Healing: Where Reiki and Medicine Intertwine.” [iii] She observes, "Most women slept through the first half of labor, some slept through their entire labor with only Reiki for pain control. “[iv] Ann Berger, R.N., M.S.N., M.D., Medical oncologist specializing in pain treatment, Chief of the Pain and Palliative Ca...

美國哈佛大學的 "女性治療女性"計畫 (英)

HARVARD GAZETTE ARCHIVES Anthropologist and author Edith Turner delivers the keynote address of the HDS conference, 'Women's Support in Healing: Acts of Women's Collective Power in Three Rituals.' (Staff photo Justin Ide/Harvard News Office) 'Women Healing Women' gather  "女性治療女性" 計劃 Wide range of faith traditions, healing styles represented at Divinity School conference By Beth Potier Harvard News Office From physicians and therapists to Reiki practitioners and "spirit singers," a wide range of religious and medical professionals shared their projects and findings from the 18-month "Women Healing Women" project at Harvard Divinity School in March. Sponsored by the Religion, Health and Healing Initiative of the Center for the Study of World Religions, "Women Healing Women" convened 20 female religious leaders and health care professionals across disciplines to share information and create specific projects that enhance w...


美國耶魯大學提供靈氣課程和研究靈氣治療應用於癌症病人 1-20-99 Yale School of Nursing to offer workshops on ancient healing touch New Haven, Conn. - A two-session class on the ancient healing art of Reiki will be offered at the Yale School of Nursing, 100 Church St. South, on Fri., Feb. 26 and Sat., Feb. 27. Reiki uses touch to facilitate relaxation, reduce stress, manage pain and promote healing. Caregivers are encouraged to perform Reiki to stimulate the body's homeostatic response and also to perform Self-Reiki to relieve their own stress and boost energy. The class will include a discussion of the history, philosophy and clinical applications of Reiki while providing ample opportunity for hands-on experience. Upon completion, participants will be fully trained and certified in the Usui System of Reiki Healing. The class is ideal for physicians, nurses, anesthetists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, home health and hospice staff, social workers, psychologists or chaplains. Noted Reiki instruc...

靈氣與西方醫院及學校結合 (中譯)

靈氣與西方醫院及學校結合 (中譯文) ● 在美國康內得肯洲的 Hartford Hospital (CT)在2002年1~6月開放靈氣試驗治療,其間共超過1,480個靈氣個案,效果顯著。 ● 靈氣被用在Elliot Hospital in NH 專門處理急性及慢性疼痛。 ● 耶魯大學的醫學院附屬醫院有提供靈氣治療。 ● 根據美國醫學臨床實驗報告,靈氣療法可減低病患藥物使用量、失眠、焦慮、心理創傷、身體疼痛及傷口癒合。目前靈氣療法也被運用在癌症及愛滋病患上。 ● 根據加拿大靈氣協會的統計,全美共有25家醫院及診所提供靈氣醫療服務,而靈氣治療在英國及美國更被列入保險給付。 美國著名大學有教授靈氣課程: ● University of Conneticuts ● Yale University’s Shool of Nursy 耶魯大學紐澤西分校 ● Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學用靈氣治療患癌症兒童。  

靈氣與婦產科的研究 (英)

Reiki and the Birth Experience  靈氣與婦產科的研究 This essay looks at impending parenthood and how a hands-on therapy called Reiki can be used to help improve the whole family’s experience through pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum. We begin by examining how Reiki is used to help deal with an issue common in all phases of pregnancy: the need to reduce pain. Unfortunately, pain sometimes plays a significant role in the mother’s experience throughout, including foot and back pain in pregnancy, labour pains during delivery, and engorgement and sore nipples post-partum. Fortunately, Reiki can be used throughout to improve that experience. After examining the application of Reiki to the unique aspects of pregnancy, labour, and the post-partum period, we look at this therapy in the context of caregiving, including how dad (as I will refer to the pregnant woman’s caring partner) can participate more fully through providing care for mom and baby. (Most published studies on Reiki have been done treat...

靈氣用於美國加拿大整體治療醫院報告 (英)

Reiki in Integrative Medicine 靈氣用於整體治療的醫院、醫學中心及健康中心報告 This page provides an overview of some of the programmes providing or teaching Reiki in care centres and of some of the existing research. Please let us know of any health care centres that provide Reiki that we can provide links to. ●The Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for CAM Research http://www.incamresearch.ca/about/about.html is a collaborative research network, created to foster excellence in CAM research in Canada. Join them for research opportunities, a newsletter, and other resources. ●Boston Children's Hospital Center for Holistic Pediatric Education and Research provides consultation, services, and research. See also their Pediatric Integrative Medicine Project . ●Hartford CT's Hartford Hospital http://www.harthosp.org/integrativemed/default.aspx has an Integrative Medicine Programme, which just won an award. In January through June of 2002 approximately 1,480 Reiki sessions were provided at Hartford Hospital...

NCCAM 美國國家衛生研究所 - 介紹靈氣療法 (英)

NCCAM, National Institutes of Health 美國國家衛生研究所- 輔助替代醫學中心介紹「靈氣Reiki」的內容。文中提到靈氣療法是一種「能量醫學」,雖不能取代正統的醫學,但卻是輔助性治療方法之一,它可以減輕或消除在醫療過程中所產生的副作用及身心上的不適。靈氣療法對於健康方面有很多幫助,例如:靈氣做完後可以讓身體有很深的放鬆效果,放鬆在其本身有利於健康的影響,如:減輕疼痛、噁心和疲勞。其他的幫助還有:壓力的影響、慢性疼痛、手術前後副作用的化療和放射治療的癌症、降低心率、提高免疫力、讓心理平靜清明、幸福感和靈性方面提升、讓往生的人更加強和平意識。 The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is the Federal Government's lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). An Introduction to Reiki ReikiA therapy in which practitioners seek to transmit a universal energy to a person, either from a distance or by placing their hands on or near that person. The intent is to heal the spirit and thus the body. (pronounced "ray-kee") is an energy medicineTherapies that use energy fields with the intent to affect health. Some fields, such as magnetic fields and light, have been measured while others, such as biofields, have not. Examples of energy therapies include magnetic therapy ...


【精彩書摘】   靈氣第一級 第一級的點化幫助你與靈氣的能量聯結,而成為自己和別人的通道。 數千年來的制約不斷告訴你,你不夠優秀,你懂的不夠多,所有你需要的均來自外在等......,你已經發展出一種強烈的分離感及對真實性的主客關係。如果你仔細想想,就會看到這一點。 在人類社會裡,似乎每件事都在證實你既孤單又貧乏,這種情形一再地增強需要的感覺。因此你開始往外追尋,設法填補這個空虛。 基本上,雜誌或電視上的每個廣告都在提醒你,你沒有(但應該有)什麼。然而,實際上深入去看,你是難以想像地富有。你就是宇宙本身,擁有與生俱來的豐富資源。雖然這些字面的意思,是不在一般自我意識裡可感知的。我們傾向於忘記一切都是能量這個事實,即使是我們的身體也是一個特定的能量振動。事實上,每件東西都是振動,並沒有實質的物體存在。因此,並沒有分開的整體或個體,認知上我們是完全關聯的。我們的真實自性是意識的汪洋,每一個人看起來似乎彼此分離,就像每一個「浪」在大海裡,不同的浪有不同的面貌。而事實上,所有的浪都是海洋本身,而且完全不分離。我們就像每一朵浪花,已經忘卻自己真正是誰,由於遺忘,也無法去經歷我們真實的本性。 靈氣第一級有助於揭開遺忘的面紗,宇宙無限的能量,明顯易察的連繫得以再接通。在第一個階段往往有一種感覺,會認為靈氣是由外而來治療身心的,經過一段時間的練習後,你將領悟到那不僅僅是肉體疾病的治療,而是有一個更遠更大的識見。這治療的力量將逐漸消除你內在的分裂感,帶你進入天人一體的領悟。 二十一天淨化期 在每一級點化之後,身心大約需要花二十一天來消化吸收。因為點化除了打開靈氣的通道外,同時也提昇在細胞層面的生命動能,身體的毒素和有害的情緒通常會被釋放。換言之,當身心變換到較高振動頻率,它的緊密度會舒解。然而,不必擔心任何調整,因為每個人只會經驗到他自己已經準備好去經驗的部分。總而言之,身體會有一種能量活絡的感覺,在精神層面上也是如此。 初學者在前二十一天儘可能為別人做治療。之所以建議學生在開始的時候治療別人,並強調其重要性,部分原因是你可以因此明確體驗靈氣的效力。當你可以從你所治療的人那裡得到對靈氣的肯定,即使後來沒有時間練習,過了幾個星期或幾個月,你依然可以毫無困難地從中斷的地方繼續。它的效用將使你對於靈氣的傳遞沒有任何懷疑。 在開始的時候去治療別人的另一個優點是:由於我們頭腦對這世界主客關係的界...


蝴蝶效應(Butterfly Effect) 蝴蝶效應(Butterfly Effect)是指在一個動力系統中,初始條件下微小的變化能帶動整個系統的長期的巨大的連鎖反應。這是一種混沌現象。 因此蝴蝶效應又稱混沌效應,因此在「混沌理論」中,「蝴蝶效應」意謂渺小不起眼的事件或現象,在紛擾不可測的混沌中,可能會扮演具影響性的關鍵角色。 美國氣象學家愛德華‧羅倫茲(Edward Lorenz)1963年在一篇提交紐約科學院的論文中分析了這個效應。“一個氣象學家提及,如果這個理論被證明正確,一個海鷗扇動翅膀足以永遠改變天氣變化。” 在以後的演講和論文中他用了更加有詩意的「蝴蝶」。對於這個效應最常見的闡述是“一個蝴蝶在巴西輕拍翅膀,會輕微改變氣壓,而這些擾動又將改變附近地方的氣壓,可以導致一個月後德克薩斯州的一場龍捲風。” “蝴蝶效應”在社會學界用來說明:一個壞的微小的機制,如果不加以及時地引導、調節,會給社會帶來非常大的危害,戲稱為“龍捲風”或“風暴”。 ◎ 相關參考資訊: 「蝴蝶效應第一集」:蝴蝶效應【The Butterfly Effect】這部是由美國新生代偶像男星艾希頓庫奇晉升執行製作,自製、自演的科幻驚悚片【蝴蝶效應】在美國一上映就以1710萬美元勇奪北美首週票房冠軍,並連續一個月穩坐票房排行榜前4名,成為他個人主演最賣座的電影! 新聞: http://stars.udn.com/star/StarsContent/Content1396/ 影評: http://life.fhl.net/Movies/issue/the_Butterfly_Effect.htm 本文參考出處: 維基百科   混沌理論(Chaos theory) 混沌理論(Chaos theory)是在數學和物理學中,研究非線性系統在一定條件下表現出的「混沌」現象的理論。 1963年美國氣象學家愛德華‧羅倫茲提出混沌理論(Chaos),非線性系統具有的多樣性和多尺度性。混沌理論解釋了確定系統可能產生非確定結果。理論的最大的貢獻是用簡單的模型獲得明確的非周期結果。在氣象、航空及太空等領域的研究里有重大的作用。 混沌理論認為在混沌系統中,初始條件的十分微小的變化經過不斷放大,對其未來狀態會造成極其巨大的差別。我們可以用在世界的西方流傳的一首民謠對此作形象的說明。這首民謠說:               ...